RAWMAGS Social Entrepreneurship Successful Launch
Becky Torres, Marizel Arambulo, Betsy von Atzigen Roots & Wings officially launched its Social Entrepreneurship Program in the February-March 2022 e-publication. Unfolding before us is the program’s vision to be a channel for individuals and corporate sponsors to share their blessings to identified low-income beneficiaries in the Philippines, to “fortify our roots.” As we “ fly our wings,” lives have been touched by the following Philippine sponsors and would like to thank them for their generosity. MAXICARE HEALTHCARE CORPORATION MAXICARE is a pioneering health maintenance organization that provides convenient and reliable access to preventive and primary services through lifestyle-friendly channels such as Primary Care Centers (PCC), Telemedicine services, Member Gateway, HomeCare, Wellness programs, and more! Maxicare has sponsored PHP 50,000 for Siargao’s rehabilitation through the care of Carl Hansen of Villa Cali Siargao who has initiated NUTRITION (food), WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) and ECONOMIC RECOVERY (restoring homes and rebuilding livelihood severely affected by the recent typhoon Odette that stormed Central Visayas and Northern Mindanao. Numerous communities in the Visayas and Northern Mindanao were devastated by typhoon Odette (international code name Rai) on December 16, 2021, the strongest storm to hit the Philippines for the year. More than eight (8) million people were affected along with their lives, homes, livelihood, and infrastructure. THE BANKERS INSTITUTE OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. (BAIPHIL) Founded in 1941, BAIPHIL is a non-stock, non-profit association of banks and bankers. It is an acknowledged strategic partner of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), a steadfast partner in promoting banking excellence given its capacity building programs and activities aimed at enabling banks to practice good governance and keep pace with the changing regulatory and business environment. Through its Handog Pag-asa sub-committee, BAIPHIL contributed PHP 15,000 towards the technical-vocational education of students of LAURA VICUÑA’s Women’s Development and Training Center in Negros Occidental. Laura Vicuña’s own focus on education of less fortunate youth pursuing vocational courses, their parents being sugarcane workers, fisher folks or household helps that cannot afford to send them to school, is aligned with BAIPHIL’s mission and focus on fostering education. It is a laudable community-based training center run by the Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco providing one to two year technical-vocational courses with values formation, living up to its slogan “to give hope a better future.” PALAWAN LAURA VICUÑA STILL AWAITS YOUR SUPPORT! We are grateful for your support of above laudable projects, not to forget the LAURA VICUNA CENTER PALAWAN in Mascarascas, Puerto Princesa, Palawan that awaits assistance to this day. “ Give Hope a Home” is the vision of Laura Vicuna Center in Palawan while its mission is to empower children, families, and communities to be self-managing through education, development and protection of children and youth. Many children, some from indigenous communities coming from far flung areas, cannot afford to go to the public national high school because of the long distance to the school, scarcity of transportation and lack of financial means. The threefold programs offered by the Center needing support are the Residential Program, Home Study Program and Farm Program. HOW CAN YOU BE AN INSTRUMENT OF SOCIAL IMPACT? 1. I ndividual Sponsorship - deposit to Roots & Wings account and email advice to rawmags.sponsor@gmail.com . Include your name, amount donated and preferred beneficiary. 2. Corporate Sponsorship - email pledge to rawmags.sponsor@gmail.com . We will communicate with you on arrangements of sponsorship and feature you in the next issue of Roots and Wings. Sponsors’ Benefits Having been awarded Best Magazine 2021 by the Commission on Filipinos Overseas and operational for a dozen years, Rawmags provides reader confidence, value, and brand power. Our readers trust what they see and in turn trust you, our partner. Roots & Wings directly takes you to your target market. Rawmags readers are potential customers and supporters. You can introduce your product and service to a target market, expand your reach, enhance goodwill, educate consumers, and bring Filipinos joy. Come along, FORTIFY OUR ROOTS to FLY OUR WINGS! With you, Roots & Wings is becoming an instrument of change with social impact, contributing to the enhancement of the quality of life and uplifting the social condition of our targeted program beneficiaries in our motherland. Sponsor a Project today. Connect with our Social Entrepreneurship Team – Becky Torres and Marizel Arambulo @ rawmags.sponsor@gmail.com