Kids get asked by their parents what they want to become in the future when they grow up. Many would say that they would like to become a police officer, a doctor or a lawyer, but only a few would say I want to become a building contractor that wants to build houses. This is interesting as almost every child in Europe played with Playmobil or Lego in their childhood. One of the best memories of these games is constructing your own houses and buildings with the figures in the Lego or Playmobil world.

Hart & Hart Bauträger GmbH
It is rare that a Filipino in Europe has been successfully building and selling houses and apartments for so many years and who owns a construction company with many Austrian, as well as Filipino employees. The construction company Hart & Hart Bauträger GmbH was founded and is managed personally by owner Jose Hart to this day. The story of Hart & Hart is based on a 17-year success-oriented journey. They are successful because they believe in their own projects. Not only do they create living spaces for everyone, they also offer an outstanding quality of life. Because a good house is also a solid investment for future generations. Their approach is very simple and clear: “We build on trust!”. The company has earned an impeccable reputation in Austria, the Philippines, Europe and around the world. The construction company Hart & Hart can show a portfolio of all the successes of the 234 completed construction projects with more than 1000 satisfied customers.
A Filipino Dream
Every Filipino family, whether rich or poor, dreams of owning a home of their own. The inspiring biography of Jose Hart and the journey of Hart & Hart Bauträger GmbH show that it is not impossible to become a community leader even with a migration background. Jose Hart has opened many doors for Austro-Filipinos. With his reputation in local and national politics, finance, culture and many other areas of life, Hart was and is a continuous communication hub for Austrians, Filipinos and Filipinas. Although he has a tight calendar and is always busy, he is generous in making the Hart & Hart showroom available for Austro-Filipinos to do their activities for community building in Austria. He opens his rooms for guest lectures at the University of Vienna, drawing workshops for children and other events.