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Community Development: OFSPES, AAALSE, NATCCO Webinar Series

Building Wealth While Helping the Community

​​A win-win kind of investment for the OFWs is an investment in a cooperative. Why? Because you increase your money at the same time you help develop your province or community and in the end, the economy of the country.

The Ateneo LSE (Leadership, Financial Literacy, Social Entrepreneurship) Alumni Association Rome, Naples, Florence (AAALSE RNF) and the Pilipinas-OFSPES Association Non Profit collaborated with the Philippine National Confederation of Cooperatives (NATCCO) Diaspora Program to provide information and knowledge on cooperatives and its benefits. To this end, a series of free webinars are scheduled in 2020, such as:

14 June Multiply Wealth through Investment

05 July Protecting Wealth through Insurance

26 July Cooperative’s Business Development Services

The Pilipinas OFSPES Association Non-Profit in Rome advocates to promote economic security for OFWs. It coordinates the Leadership, Financial Literacy, Social Entrepreneurship (ALSE) Program of the Ateneo de Manila University. The good news is that the program will continue despite the pandemic through a blended face to face/online approach to learning.

The AAALSE RNF, on the other hand, is the association of the alumni of the ALSE Program

Information on Wealth-Building towards Nation Building for Overseas Filipino through Cooperative Investment: Featuring Tagum Cooperative

This event is free and includes a Certificate of Participation upon completion of the Webinar.

Two days before the event, you’ll receive via email the meeting ID and password. You can also attend through your mobile phone by downloading "Zoom" app on Playstore or Apple store.

A bimonthly online magazine for Filipinos in Europe.

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Roots&Wings Filipino Magazine in Europe
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